- Performers: Anna Farriol, Txell Felip and Mireia Fernández
- Puppets design: Jordi Regot and Engruna Teatre
- Masks design: Iria Roibás
- Set design: Engruna Teatre
- Costume design: Engruna Teatre
- Music: Albert Ciurans
- Illustration: Aina Cordoncillo
- Graphic design: Ferran Llorens and Aina Cordoncillo
- Photography: Anna Brugués
- Acting coach: Marta Soler
- Script: Núria Olivé, Ruth Garcia and Mireia Fernández
- Produced and directed by Engruna Teatre
- Thanks to: The people from L’Estruch, Joventut de la Faràndula, Salvador Peig, Alfons Llobet, Maria García, Oriol Berch, Juan Sánchez, Marisol Sánchez, Marc Rius, Héctor Corradazzi, Javier Alonso, Oriol Puig... and specially to Núria for her dedication and confidence in this project.