- Directed by: Marta Soler
- Performers: Anna Farriol and Mireia Fernàndez
- Script: Ruth Garcia, Marta Soler and Mireia Fernàndez
- Set design: Guillermo Góngora and Pablo Paz.
- Puppets design: Anna Roger
- Costume design, characterization and attrezzo: Zeleste Carnero
- Music: Albert Ciurans
- Microphones: Juan Sánchez
- Photography: Jordi González
- Graphic design: Aina Cordoncillo
- Veuoiceover: Judit González
- Thanks to: Bitó Produccions and specially to Olga Vila, Fèlix Carnero, the grandma Victòria, Alfred Casas, Teatre Nu, Juan Manel Garcia and the people of L’Estruch.